
AI4CCAM at the AUGMENTED CCAM 1st Pan-European Workshop
— 11 September 2023

On Wednesday 13 September, AI4CCAM will be participating at the AUGMENTED CCAM 1st Pan-European Workshop to discuss with you the challenges and opportunities of PDI (Physical, Digital and Communication Infrastructure) deployment for CCAM in Europe.

AI4CCAM will be represented by Ioanna Fergadiotou (INLECOM), discussing on “The Role of CCAM in Seamless Multimodal Transport”.

AUGMENTED CCAM is a Horizon Europe project, that aims to understand, harmonise and evaluate innovative Physical, Digital and Communication (PDC) infrastructure support solutions in order to advance its readiness for large scale deployment of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobilitity (CCAM) solutions for all. Within this project eleven PDI support solutions will be developed and evaluated at seven test sites in Latvia, France and Spain.

During the event, AI4CCAM flyers will be distributed as well.

For further information on the workshop and to participated, click here

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