
AI4CCAM second newsletter is out!

The AI4CCAM second newsletter is out!
Such a special issue as AI4CCAM recently turned one! Watch the video telling so many months of work in just 120 seconds.
The newsletter is opened by message from our project coordinator, Arnaud Gotlieb, Simula Research Laboratory, underlining the strong results the project has started to deliver. In particular, the first publications of the project have demonstrated the high level of Research and Innovation activities. The design of autonomous driving (AD) scenarios in urban environment presenting ethical risks, the analysis of barriers and levers for user acceptance of AD in Europe, the preparation of three complementary and ambitious use cases as well as the finalisation of a participatory space dedicated to EU-citizen demonstrate high engagement and commitment of all the partners in the consortium.
Also, watch the interviews to our Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board, and read the latest news and upcoming events.
The newsletter is the best way not to loose any news and update on AI4CCAM.