
AI4CCAM Trustworthy AI Documentation Framework published!

Among the several public deliverables recently released by AI4CCAM, “AI4CCAM Trustworthy AI Documentation Framework – Initial Version” is included too.
The document provides a documentation framework of how to address trust and adoption when it
comes to AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the scope of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility
(CCAM). More specifically, guidelines are provided addressing the following topics as they relate to
trustworthy AI in the scope of the CCAM ecosystem:
– fairness & diversity,
– transparency-led user agency, communication, and acceptance
– governance techniques for accountability in AI-based CCAM operations with ethical dilemma
To address the challenges involved by the implementation of AI in a CCAM environment, the
guidelines suggest several steps to be taken and points to take under consideration, including one
central action that is overarching as a common thread across topics, which is the inclusion of citizens
in the discussions and debates revolving around AI in CCAM.
To improve the implementation of responsible practices, a common ground must be found in terms of
the definitions of responsibility, but also of fairness, diversity, user-agency, transparency and
accountability. To achieve this goal, AI4CCAM proposes to use the Joint Research Center, Confiance AI, and Connected Automated Driving glossary documentation as a base, not only for this specific document, but for the overall AI4CCAM project and to take into consideration the AI Act that was adopted on May 21st, 2024 (European Parliament, 2024).
To feed the guidelines and techniques outlined in this document, desk research was conducted on
ethics implications when it comes to AI in the mobility space, reflecting the ethical principles
highlighted by the High-Level Expert Group on AI, as well as on trends on CAV adoption worldwide.
Following this desk research, an iteration workshop was organised among all AI4CCAM consortium
members, ahead of a second public stakeholder forum held in Karlsruhe during the 2024 IT-Trans fair.
Finally qualitative face-to-face research was conducted among car drivers in Paris, Berlin, and Warsaw,
to explore levers and barriers to CAV adoption.
Visit our Library and download the document!