To complement the AI4CCAM consortium with a wider view and receive feedback and support on the project activities and developments, a long-term Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB) has been created, including CCAM experts and operators, public administrations and authorities, policy-makers and regulators, big industrial players, and associations.

The ESAB is led by Prof. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Professor of Computer Science at Sorbonne University. It also involves: Margriet Van Schijndel-de Nooij, Program director Responsible Mobility bij Technische Universiteit Eindhoven; and Jerome Perrin, Recherche scientifique et développement industriel dans les domaines énergie, environnement, mobilité – Associations caritatives – Ethique et Théologie.

The scope of the Advisory Board is to maintain an accurate body of knowledge on AI in CCAM operations, enabling the continuous consideration and analysis of ethical aspects and also facilitating interactions with relevant associations and policy-makers.

AI4CCAM interviewed Margriet van Schijndel. Watch the video!

To complement the AI4CCAM consortium with a wider view and receive feedback and support on the project activities and developments, a long-term Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB) has been created, including CCAM experts and operators, public administrations and authorities, policy-makers and regulators, big industrial players, and associations.

The ESAB is led by Prof. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Professor of Computer Science at Sorbonne University. It also involves: Margriet Van Schijndel-de Nooij, Program director Responsible Mobility bij Technische Universiteit Eindhoven; and Jerome Perrin, Recherche scientifique et développement industriel dans les domaines énergie, environnement, mobilité – Associations caritatives – Ethique et Théologie.

The scope of the Advisory Board is to maintain an accurate body of knowledge on AI in CCAM operations, enabling the continuous consideration and analysis of ethical aspects and also facilitating interactions with relevant associations and policy-makers.

AI4CCAM interviewed Jerome Perrin. Watch the video!

Following a dynamic and productive planning workshop held on 12th April 2024 at TTS Italia premises, the team behind the AI4CCAM’s Use Case 3 (UC3) are thrilled to announce significant progress towards the execution phase.

The purpose of UC3 is to assess the degree of Vulnerable Road Users’ acceptance of Connected and Automated Vehicles exploring their interaction dynamics in a number of increasingly complex urban settings, where users will be immersed through a purposely designed VR experiment. When interacting with CAVs, VRUs will be prompted to take decisions (e.g., street crossing decisions when a CAV is approaching), while semi-quantitative data, also including physiological indicators, will be collected to assess acceptance rates in diverse scenarios.

Led by TTS Italia, the workshop brought together key UC3 partners including CNRS, IRTSX and Akkodis, to strategize and delineate roles for the forthcoming VR experiment. The discussions focused on clarifying roles, defining scenarios, outlining logistical details, and establishing next steps. TTS expressed gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions and reiterated their commitment to advancing the UC3 project’s objectives.

Intellectual property helps drive innovation and growth by bringing in financial returns, raising brand awareness and ensuring business growth. You can rely on intellectual property to increase productivity, earn licensing fees and even receive royalties. Patents help create a monopoly and provide protection to your business by preventing others from commercialising your innovation. IP helps you earn a higher return on investment and manage your assets efficiently.

Within this context, the EC Horizon Results Platform team, together with the European IP Helpdesk, co-organise the webinar “Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property (IP)”, to be held on 18 April 2024, 1.30-12.30 (CEST).

Learning Objectives of the webinar:

  • Understanding Intellectual Property in AI
  • Rights in Data Used by Machine Learning
  • Protection of Data through Database Rights
  • Obtaining Rights for Data Usage in AI Innovation
  • Patenting Inventions in AI
  • Impact of European and US Patent Office Guidance
  • Ownership of Inventions Derived from External Data
  • Commercialization of AI Innovations

For registration, click here

We are happy to invite you to the AI4CCAM Stakeholders Forum Workshop, where industry experts, policymakers, cybersecurity specialists, and representatives of Vulnerable Road Users can come together to discuss about the topic of AI in Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM).

This workshop is for anyone wishing to explore and share about the ethical, perceptual, and cybersecurity dimensions of Trustworthy AI for automated vehicles, thereby contributing to the future of AI for automated vehicles. Enriching discussions will take place around five key topics, where peers and experts will ultimately provide insights to shape guidelines on AI for CCAM, and where you will actively participate.

The AI4CCAM Stakeholders Forum will take place as a side-event at the IT-TRANS Conference (Participants need to have at least a day ticket to the Exhibition zone).

Event Details
Date: 15 May 2024
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
Event Type: Workshop
Event Format: Round table discussions

The workshop aims to explore the levers and barriers to the adoption of Connected Automated Vehicles (CAVs) and provide insights to shape guidelines on diversity, inclusion and cybersecurity produced by the European Commission’s research project, AI4CCAM.
The discussion will be around five round tables on topics:

  1. Fairness, Diversity and Inclusion in CAVs
  2. Sharing Road Space: Public Transport and CAVs
  3. Fostering cybersecurity in CCAM
  4. Ensuring Transparency in Industry Communication to strengthen the CCAM trustworthiness
  5. Harmonizing AI Communication Across Stakeholders

13:30 – Registration opens
14:00 – Opening and welcome by the AI4CCAM Team
14:05 – AI4CCAM overview & workshop goals
14:15 – Introduction to participatory space
14:20 – Presentation of working group activity
14:25 – Group discussions at round tables
15:20 – Presentation and discussion of round table results
15:55 – Conclusion and closing Remarks

How to participate
Secure your spot at one of the round tables by registering early. Limited spots available per table.

For the access the exhibition area where the workshop will take place, you need to have at least a day exhibition entrance ticket.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share your expertise and gain insights from fellow industry leaders. Reserve your spot today!

We look forward to your participation!

Monday 8 April 2024, the Clean Planet Directorate of DG R&I launched a survey to seek the views of dedicated stakeholders on longer-term R&I challenges and priorities in the areas of clean energy and mobility.

The survey’s findings will contribute to a reflection paper prepared by independent external experts that will feed into the broader strategic reflections for the next Commission. This ad-hoc work specifically focuses on clean energy and mobility. It is a forward-looking exercise for the next decade and as a self-standing exercise it is not linked to other initiatives or EU R&I programmes. The reflection paper should be published in the second half of this year.

To answer the survey, click here

AI4CCAM will be attending the TRA – Transport Research Arena 2024, 15-18 April in Dublin, Ireland.

This event gathers individuals and organisations in the shared pursuit of knowledge and innovation in the field of transportation and mobility. TRA aims to foster an environment where ideas flourish, discussions thrive, and connections are forged, solutions emerge, and the seeds of future breakthroughs are planted. TRA2024 will provide a shared opportunity to push the boundaries of what we know and to chart new territories in transport research.

The vast array of presentations, workshops and discussions curated for this conference demonstrates the value and impact of the research being conducted globally. TRA will explore the full spectrum of issues that define the transport landscape across the road, rail, aviation, water and cross-logistics industries. The focus will be on: Safe and inclusive transport; Sustainable mobility of people and goods; Efficient and resilient systems; Collaborative digitalisation.

You can meet AI4CCAM at booth number 12, being part of the ALICE Innovation Village.

AI4CCAM will be also presenting the paper “Trustworthy Automated Driving through Qualitative Scene Understanding and Explanations“, on Tuesday, Apr 16 (5:45 PM – 6:45 PM, Hall 6 – Clyde Room), with Nassim Belmecheri, Simula Research Laboratory.

Find out more on TRA and let’s meet there!

Within TRA, also EUCAD is taking place, you can meet AI4CCAM there too!

The Symposium is organised by the FAME initiative and supported by the European Commission Directorate General for Research & Innovation (RTD) as well as the CCAM Partnership. It is targeted at public and private stakeholders in road transport, interested in exchanging views on immediate next steps and future actions required for connected and automated mobility. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn more about European Research & Innovation activities on CCAM.

AI4CCAM recently celebrated its first year of activity!

A lot has happened between the Kick Off meeting in Oslo in January 2023, and today: General assemblies, scientific webinars, Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board meetings, participation in events, progresses and first results within the technical project activities, such as the Use Cases.

All this in 120 seconds!

Watch the video!

On 27 and 28 March, AI4CCAM took part in HyCHA’24 – Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Workshop: From knowledge and human integration to model explanation (Knowledge, Human and Machine Learning Hybridization), held in Gif-sur-Yvette (France), co-organised among others by SystemX, AI4CCAM partner.

AI4CCAM was represented by Arnaud Gotlieb, Simula, AI4CCAM coordinator who participated in the event with a poster.

Hybrid Artificial Intelligence (AI) broadly encompasses all approaches that combine several AI methods, whether symbolic or numerical, qualitative, semi-qualitative or quantitative. It is a field that is currently enjoying renewed interest, particularly because the hybridization is a way of addressing the respective weaknesses of different approaches and tackling certain current AI challenges such as trust and explainability.

In Automated Driving, scene understanding is a crucial issue. However, today’s explanations are based on quantitative analysis: Heatmaps, importance map, occlusion analysis, etc. But there is still no understanding of events chain and consequences. Given an action taken by an ego-car in a scene, the goal is to automatically explain the interactions between the actors that led to such action Decision Making Explanation Action.

AI4CCAM is based on Qualitative Reasoning.

Given a scene, we apply Qualitative Constraint Acquisition on each frame Then, we create the Qualitative eXplainable Graph (QXG) from sensor data.

Given a set of QXGs and actions (cruising, accelerating, etc.), we train one-class classifiers to give action-labels to each object relation chains. These action labels can be helpful to automatically document the driving scene.

Considering action-labels with relation chains, our method automatically proposes possible ego-car action explanations, by considering interactions between the car and each object.

User feedback on possible explanations allows us to strengthen the result and properly document automated driving scenes.

For further information on the event, click here

Check the project library for the Poster!