Automated Cars must explain their decisions:
- for the safety and comfort of the car driver and passengers
- to inform the other road users such as other vehicles and pedestrians
- to sustain an audit in case of accident
But explanations are often difficult to build, because automated decision-making results sometimes from situation misunderstandings; user acceptance can only come from full transparency. And today’s explanations are only based on quantitative analysis.
AI4CCAM builds explanations from patio-temporal qualitative constraints sequences. This work is especially carried out within the WP2, focusing on Advanced AI-driving CCAM sense-plan-act predictive models.
Simula released a video explaining the work carried out in WP2.
New mobility trends and technologies are driving radical change in our transport systems. This change will have a profound impact on the environment, transport users and businesses. Automated transport is a crucial element in this transformation. It has the potential to reduce road fatalities to near zero, improve accessibility of mobility services and reduce harmful emissions from transport by making traffic more efficient.
The EU is investing substantial financial resources to achieve an intelligent transport network, integrating information and communication technologies with transport infrastructure, vehicles and users. While this creates huge opportunities, it also comes with challenges, such as ensuring the automation of transport in a connected, cooperative and safe way.
CINEA is responsible for the implementation of a growing number of EU projects that develop, test and exploit innovative solutions funded under the EU’s research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe. The EU is contributing around €500 million to support the development and take-up of highly automated and connected driving systems through the programme.
CINEA has released a new brochure presenting a comprehensive overview of CCAM projects, managed by CINEA, and funded under the first two calls (2021 and 2022) of the EU’s Horizon Europe programme for research and innovation, and covering a range of domains, from data ecosystems to infrastructure support, validation methodologies to environmental aspects, and more. AI4CCAM is proudly among these projects.
For the brochure, click here
AI4CCAM has released its first video!
Created by the project partner INLECOM, the video is a general overview of AI4CCAM that will focus on the development of trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) for automated driving assistance, pursuing 4-5 driving automation level, meaning high and full automation.
How can AI technology improve road users’ safety?
AI4CCAM will apply AI models to ethical, social and cultural choices, focusing on three use cases for:
- travel assist function
- explainable AI and predictability of environment and trajectory
- user acceptance of automated vehicles equipped with vulnerable road-user (VRU) sensing.
AI4CCAM is among the projects listed in the CCAM Partnership’s website, where all the collaborative research projects launched within the Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (2021-2027 Horizon Europe) are available.
The CCAM Partnership was launched in June 2021 to create a more user-centered and inclusive mobility system, increasing road safety while reducing congestion and environmental footprint; for more collaborative research, testing and demonstration projects in order to accelerate the innovation pace and implementation of automated mobility; for working together at European level to help remove barriers and contribute to the acceptance and efficient rollout of automation technologies and services.
Find out more here
Check all the CCAM projects, here
AI4CCAM is among the projects listed in the Knowledge Base on Connected and Automated Driving (CAD). This is the one-stop shop for data, knowledge and experiences on CAD in Europe and beyond.
The sharing of knowledge, data and experiences is essential for the development of connected and automated driving. Combining the knowledge sources enables all stakeholders to get a clearer picture of what the future impacts of road automation will be.
Initially developed as part of the Horizon 2020 Action ARCADE (Aligning Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe) and currently maintained and extended in the frame of the FAME (Framework for coordination of Automated Mobility in Europe) project funded under Horizon Europe, the Knowledge Base gathers the scattered information among a broad network of CAD stakeholders to establish a common baseline of CAD knowledge and provide a platform for a broad exchange of knowledge.
The Knowledge Base is ever-evolving and growing with the existing body of knowledge in the field. Feedback from CAD stakeholders is invaluable for the Knowledge Base and strongly encouraged.
Find out all the projects and more
AI4CCAM has been selected to be part of the EUCAD 2023 Exhibition!
The EUCAD2023 Conference, taking place on 3 and 4 May in Brussels, will take stock of latest research, policy and regulatory developments in the field of CCAM to discuss if technology and society are ready for the large-scale deployment of smart, sustainable and inclusive mobility solutions.
In recent years, public and private actors have joined forces to bridge the gap between the development and deployment of CCAM: the European CCAM Partnership has provided the ideal framework to accelerate innovation and remove barriers at technical, operational, societal and economic level.
Yet as we move towards large-scale demonstrations by 2030, we must continue to advance the technology readiness and maturity of CCAM solutions, tackle regulatory bottlenecks, scale-up public and private investments, and better understand our societal and environmental needs and expectations.
Debate, develop and deploy: participants will help shape future R&I priorities as the discussions taking place at EUCAD23 will feed into the update of the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda of the CCAM Partnership. EUCAD2023 will drive us into the future.
EUCAD2023 Conference is organised together with the European Partnership on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility and the FAME project.
The event will consist of 4 policy-oriented plenary sessions, complemented by 6 thematic and technical breakout sessions to discuss specific CCAM challenges. All breakout sessions will feature interactive panel discussions, combined with active audience participation.
After the first day, on 3 May at 18:30, participants are invited to join a networking event at Autoworld, which will offer an in-door exhibition displaying the latest CCAM technologies and innovations. This event is co-organised by the EUCAR Association.
An exhibition with European and national projects will also be available during the entire two-day event with demonstrations of latest CCAM solutions.
For the agenda and the registration, click here
FAME is organising a public workshop in Brussels on Wednesday, 8 March 2023, in conjunction with the CCAM Partnership Multicluster Meeting which will take place on 9 March (for members of the CCAM Association only). The EU-funded FAME project’s mission is to support the European Commission and the CCAM Partnership in coordinating CCAM R&I and testing activities in Europe.
The objectives of this workshop will be twofold: enable R&I projects concertation in support of the CCAM Partnership’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) update; gather the needs and feedback from R&I projects and the CCAM community on the Knowledge base and the Taxonomy which is being developed as part of the European Framework for Testing.
The European Framework for Testing on Public Roads and the EU-wide Knowledge Base developed and maintained by FAME constitute key tools for projects to set up and evaluate demonstrations, co-create and use harmonised methodologies and exchange best practices and lessons learned. The content of the Knowledge Base should also serve as a basis for the identification of future R&I and demonstration needs for updating the CCAM Partnership’s SRIA and developing future Horizon Europe Work Programmes in CCAM.
The CCAM Partnership Multicluster Meeting will discuss achievements and ongoing initiatives. The CCAM Partnership was born on 2021 to create a more user-centered and inclusive mobility system, increasing road safety while reducing congestion and environmental footprint; develop a more collaborative research, testing and demonstration projects in order to accelerate the innovation pace and implementation of automated mobility; work together at European level to help remove barriers and contribute to the acceptance and efficient rollout of automation technologies and services.
AI4CCAM, represented by the project coordinator Arnaud Gotlieb, Simula Research, will be attending both events as an auditor. This will be a first and important opportunity for the project to network and establish a dialogue with sister initiatives.
For further information on the FAME workshop, click here
For further information on the CCAM Partnership, click here
Today, February 15, the AI4CCAM project website is officially launched, less than a month from the kick off meeting.
The website is conceived to be a living tool able to grow along with the project, according to its progresses and results. There are several pages dedicated to different aspect of the project to let readers know more about AI4CCAM vision, objective and methodology; the Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board; the use cases; the project team; the events related to Artificial Intelligence and automated mobility. From the “Library”, public documents can be downloaded and the photo gallery tells the project in a different way. The news will inform about any project achievement. Finally, the annual newsletter can be subscribed.
The AI4CCAM (Trustworthy AI for CCAM) project officially started on the 1 January 2023 with a kick-off meeting on 26-27 January organised in Oslo by the project coordinator, Simula Research Laboratory. Gathering almost 50 participants from 9 European countries, the event was successfully held at Simula’s premises and provided an overview of the planned activities of the project dedicated to build a trustworthy Artificial Intelligence framework for connected, cooperative and automated mobility.
With 14 partners, and a €6 million budget funded under the EU’s Research and Innovation Programme Horizon Europe, this three-year project will provide automated driving scenarios involving ethical, social and cultural choices, digging into advanced AI models for predicting vulnerable road users’ behaviour and user acceptance of self-driving vehicles. Through three dedicated use cases covering the all sense-plan-act chain of process, AI4CCAM will show that novel trustworthy-by-design AI models can be designed and explored for the sake of a better acceptance of automated vehicles.
“With this project, we have a formidable opportunity to bring up Trustworthy AI, as it is defined at the European level, to the next level, that is to put it in at work in automated vehicles”, says Arnaud Gotlieb (Simula), Coordinator of the AI4CCAM project.