
AI4CCAM in Vilnius presenting its Use Cases
AI4CCAM will take part in the event "Rethinking modal integration between Public Transport and shared, connected and autonomous mobility", organised within the European project EMBRACER, in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 9 and 10 October. EMBRACER is a region-driven project, funded within the Interreg Europe Program, where seven underserved regions have committed...[more]
AI4CCAM at ISSTA/ECOOP event in Vienna!
Represented by Arnaud Gotlieb, Simula, project coordinator, AI4CCAM took part in MET'24 (Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing), within the ISSTA/ECOOP event, held in Vienna, Austria, 16-20 September. Simula had a double role, giving an invited Keynote speech on "AI-driven Metamorphic Testing for Autonomous Systems"; and...[more]
AI4CCAM at the ITS World Congress: Mobility driven by ITS
"Mobility driven by ITS" is the motto of the 30° ITS World Congress, taking place in Dubai, 16-20 September 2024. TTS Italia, one of the AI4CCAM partners, will be at stand H7-E16-B: go and visit for an Italian coffee while reading an AI4CCAM leaflet, exploring more about Artificial Intelligence applied...[more]
AI4CCAM at GSVF 2024!
In one month, AI4CCAM will be attending the GSVF 2024 - Virtualization of Software-Defined Vehicles event, to ne held on 26 September in Graz-Austria. The event is organised by Virtual Vehicle, one of the project partners. Technological developments are rapidly raising the bar for vehicle requirements. Cars are expected to...[more]
AI4CCAM Validation Handbook published!
Among the several public deliverables recently released by AI4CCAM, D4.1 "AI4CCAM Validation Handbook" is included too. AI4CCAM includes three use cases (UC): UC1: Validating AI-enhanced ADAS UC2: Enhancing VRU trajectory UC3: Validating User Acceptance of CAVs The objective of this document is to define how AI4CCAM is going to validate...[more]
AI4CCAM Trustworthy AI Documentation Framework published!
Among the several public deliverables recently released by AI4CCAM, "AI4CCAM Trustworthy AI Documentation Framework - Initial Version" is included too. The document provides a documentation framework of how to address trust and adoption when itcomes to AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the scope of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility(CCAM). More specifically,...[more]
Participatory AI4CCAM Space deliverable published!
AI4CCAM has recently released several public deliverables related to project activities, progresses and results. Among these, the "Participatory AI4CCAM Space - Initial version". One of the goals of AI4CCAM (specifically under Work Package 3) is to create a space for cooperative learning, reflection and discussion using participatory methods that involve...[more]
Fourth AI4CCAM General Assembly in Czech Republic!
AI4CCAM partners met on 20 and 21 June, in Mladá Boleslav for the fourth General Assembly of the project, hosted by Skoda. A crowdy room to discuss project achievements and upcoming goals for each Work Package of AI4CCAM, especially considering that AI4CCAM is going to held soon its mid-term review,...[more]
AI4CCAM second newsletter is out!
The AI4CCAM second newsletter is out!Such a special issue as AI4CCAM recently turned one! Watch the video telling so many months of work in just 120 seconds. The newsletter is opened by message from our project coordinator, Arnaud Gotlieb, Simula Research Laboratory, underlining the strong results the project has started...[more]